Smart Suntanning: Avoid Effects of UV Rays

Get bronzed the smarter, safer way. Here's how to cheat a tan.

Natural Tanning Options

Suncreens. If you can't resist worshipping the sun on a gorgeous day, consider using sunscreen with a low SPF. This will still allow tanning, but the skin will receive at least a small degree of protection from the powerful rays.

Be especially cautious when in or on the water, as the sun may badly burn the skin without much warning signs. Hats and t-shirts can provide some additional protection, and try not to fall asleep while tanning.

Individuals with very fair skin, those who burn often or tan poorly, those who have many freckles or moles, those under age 16, and those who have a history of skin cancer themselves or in the family history should be take extra care when under the sun.
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