Stretching And Exercise

Stretching techniques to improve flexibility and lower risk of sports injury.

Pre-workout stretching

There has been some controversy about stetching before a workout, namely the risk of injury if you perform stretching prior to warming up. Anderson's advice? It's safe, as long as you stretch comfortably and not strenuously. But it's a good idea to rev your heart a little before you bend, though.

A few minutes of walking or slow jogging to warm the muscles and related soft tissue helps get the blood moving, make muscle fibers extra pliable and your stretch easier.

Post-workout stretching

You should cool down after exercise by doing a scaled-down version of the main workout. "Get your heart rate back down towards a resting rate. Then stretch to prevent muscle soreness and stiffness," adds Anderson.

Get started with these easy stretches:

1. Neck stretch

Stand straight with your chest lifted and tummy tucked in, feet hip-width apart. Keeping your shoulders relaxed and still, slowly tilt your head to the left and hold the stretch. Repeat, tilting your head to the other side.

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