Babymaking: Fertility-Boosting Diet

7 foods that up your chances of conception. Plus, 4 foods to avoid.

Foods to avoid

1. Trans fats are the artery-clogging fats often added to many commercially prepared products from doughnuts to margarine to extend their shelf life. (Look out for "partially hydrogenated oils" on the labels of food packages.) Women whose trans fat intake make up two percent of their daily total calories raise their risk of infertility by 73 to 131 percent.

2. Refined carbs such as white flour and sugar produce insulin peaks that can interfere with normal ovulation.

3. Sugary sodas. A twelve-ounce can contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar! These empty calories not only causes blood sugar to spike, they can contribute to weight gain in the long run. And the extra pounds can get in the way of becoming pregnant. If you're a fan of fizzy drinks, switch to diet sodas, or even better, make your own spritzer.

4. Caffeinated drinks. Coffee and tea are okay in moderation, but watch your intake -- research shows if you drink three cups of coffee a day, your chances of conceiving fall.

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